These ICs are used to design logics within computer. The logic could be as simple as addition of two numbers like 2+3=5 or any other complex logic. Here everything runs of electricity so information is sent and processed by turn these circuits ON and OFF.
Here comes the trick who turns these ICs ON and OFF. Is it the computer user or somebody else? The answer to this is Software. To make all this complicated circuits friendly to a general user software were introduced. These software are the logical entities which controls the computer. So we as a user interacts with software and software controls the hardware.
In the diagram you can notice new terms like System software, Application Software etc. please don't worry about them we'll be covering them shortly.
Now lets take our focus back to "What is software?"
Software is basically a collection of procedures or steps which needs to be followed to accomplish a task on computer. Yes this involves sending signals to the ICs, but all this is done internally. The software might involve different procedures for calculations, logical reasoning etc.
As a user we only need to learn how to use them. These software are really very user friendly like you are already experiencing. Aren't you using a software for reading this blog? let me guess is it Internet Explorer or Firefox or Opera or Safari.......the list goes on. In the world of computer you can find tons of software for doing the same thing. Many individuals or companies try to attract users by developing their own feature rich software.
So that's the abstract story of software. I'll be updating more on software in my next post... so keep visiting. Hope you enjoyed reading this. This is my first blog, your feedback would be highly valued. Thanks.
Too good n worth reading for beginners.
eXcellent article...
also good for all
ok dear continue this
good.great social service 4 computer illiterates [like me].
again good one.... i lyked the systematic approach... keep going..
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